Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Just like me...

I can't be mad...you're just like me...

Screw that...

It's been...interesting. I've been having a lot of that lately. Its going to get better though. It has too.

t-4 days.

I'm stressed. My hair is falling out kind of stressed. I can't sleep at night always tired my body is rebelling against me kind of stress. The last time this happened it was a boy...well, truth be told 2 boys, that were causing these kinds of issues. Neither of those boys turned out to be worth it...and the truth is this one isn't either. I mean, I'm too cute...and too vain to be bald. Besides, even if he was worth all this trouble, I'd likely have to leave him anyway...I'm to grown to bothered with what amounts to a boy not being able to locate his penis because his vagina is in the way. Yeah, I said it. 2 things can be learned from my current situation: when forced to choose, choose you...and when all else fails-shoes fix everything.

I'd like to point out...that this whole having his face splashed all over my facebook is not cool. at. all. And I'd like it to stop...yesterday. And my pride is all I have left in matters of the heart...and I refuse to lose that too...

K came for the weekend a couple weeks ago. Fun times. I enjoy having people in town from college. It grounds me. And forces me to get my ass in gear and do something with my life. I would be such a jealous Julie if she wasn't my friend...and you can't help but love her even more for her fabulosity because she's so unaware of how truly fabulous she is.

I had an evening, a couple weeks ago I guess...that ended in a not so good way. I left barefoot, coat-less in a very sexy dress. And, en-route home I cried off all my fantastic eye make-up. This past Thursday ended much the same way...only I was far more clothed. I'd like to point out here...after I've told the tale of all my recent tears...that I don't really like to cry. I loathe crying. I try not to cry even when every fiber in my being is screaming 'cry'...I force emotions down with the same kind of force that causes those emotions to come rising to the top. I. don't. do. tears. But lately I feel those little droplets caressing my cheeks before I even know I'm sad enough to cry...and I don't like it. Not one bit. I'm not going to stop doing it real big with the eye makeup. No sir. What I am going to do is be all sorts of sweet in public...and be like, 'Awww..Shoot. Seems my give a damn is broken. I should send it out to be repaired huh??? And I would, except...I don't give a damn...' I think that people often fail to realize exactly what a person means to them until that person is unavailable for comment.

Ok...I should do work now. Later...

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