Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We can't be friends...

That RL/Deborah Cox song is still the truth year later... It's true what they say though, we can't....

It's hard to let go of the very thing that God himself is trying tear you from when you know that it's the very thing you need to let go...especially when it feels like that's the very thing that you need to survive. Maybe that's a bit much...maybe I don't need it to survive, but I have to admit that it made the breathing easier. I guess I should have taken my own advice (can you do that really...take your own advice. I mean, if it comes from you it's not so much advice is it???) and remembered that its not what they (and by they I mean guys) do, it's what they say. Actions are a cover....disguise if you will, for the guilt we feel for saying the truth. Words speak louder. Loud and clear...

Grandma says that you no one can do any more to you than you let them. That's a very true statement. At what point though, do you step in and stop yourself from being mistreated? What happened to someone else saying, "Wait, this is wrong...let me stop myself...."??? I guess that kind of accountability is gone...along with guys that follow through, and mean what they say, and open doors and whatnot. And females that are real women instead of overdeveloped 8 year olds that want what you have just because its yours. I wish I had stepped in wayyyyy before now. But I was afraid. Of losing that thing that I was never in possession of in the first place. So, I'm hurt. But not because I lost anything per se...just let go for something I wasn't really holding in the first place. Empty handed all along I guess, but admitting that was the hard part...

On a happier note... OBAMA WON!!!! Hells yeah, hells yeah... I'm trying to refrain from doing the cabbage patch down the hallway right now. Actin' like I've been somewhere as my Grandma would say. I'm excited though. This is a BIG moment in history....and I was there. My grandma, who still has her first voter registration card....never missed an election....remembers when she couldn't sit in a restaurant or the front of the bus, cried last night because this was the vote that counted-more than all the others. In the same century that MLK and Malcolm X are assassinated we have a Black man elected as the President of the United States. Wow... I didn't think I would see this in my lifetime, much less be in a position to have kids and honestly tell them that they can be whatever it is that they want to be. America is changing. Sometimes it doesn't look too good, but it's looking better. I'm proud to be an American...more so today than any other day in my whole life.

I agree with the philosopher Jagger....who said, "you can't always get what you want, but if you try you might find you'll get what you need".